How to Use Mediation to Create a Fair Visitation Schedule

Visitation schedules are often one of the most contentious aspects of divorce or separation, especially when children are involved. Parents understandably want to maintain close and meaningful relationships with their children, but finding a balance between both parents’ rights can be challenging. Mediation offers a powerful tool to help parents create a fair visitation schedule that is not only equitable but also in the best interests of the children. Unlike court battles that tend to increase tension and adversarial behavior, mediation fosters collaboration and communication, enabling both parties to work together in crafting a schedule that benefits everyone involved.

Mediation is an informal process that allows both parents to negotiate their terms of visitation with the assistance of a neutral third party, known as the mediator. This method not only helps in reducing conflict but also ensures that both parents have a say in the final decision. When parents work together through mediation, they can tailor a visitation schedule that works for their unique circumstances. Unlike a court-imposed decision, which may feel rigid and impersonal, mediation allows for flexibility, creativity, and most importantly, the opportunity for both parents to be heard.

Understanding Mediation and Its Role in Family Law

Mediation in family law is designed to help parties come to an agreement without the need for a formal court trial. It is a voluntary process that allows for open dialogue in a safe, structured environment. The mediator does not make decisions for the parties; instead, the mediator facilitates communication and helps guide the parties toward a resolution. When it comes to creating a fair visitation schedule, mediation is particularly effective because it emphasizes cooperation rather than competition.

In the traditional courtroom setting, both parents often feel as if they are competing for time with their children. This can create an adversarial environment, with each parent feeling the need to “win” more visitation time. Mediation removes this sense of competition and instead focuses on what is best for the children. By keeping the children’s needs at the forefront, parents can work together to create a visitation schedule that is both fair and flexible. Mediation allows for customized solutions, meaning that parents can agree on terms that would not typically be available through a court ruling.

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Tanya L. Freeman

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Judge Daniel D’Alessandro

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Steps to Using Mediation for a Fair Visitation Schedule

Using mediation to create a fair visitation schedule involves several key steps. The first step is for both parents to agree to mediation. While mediation is a voluntary process, it is often encouraged by family courts, especially when the issue of child custody and visitation is at the forefront. Once both parents have agreed to mediation, they must choose a mediator. The mediator plays a crucial role in helping the parents negotiate and communicate effectively. While the mediator does not take sides, they help ensure that both parties are working toward a common goal—developing a fair and sustainable visitation schedule.

The next step involves preparing for mediation. Both parents should come into the mediation session with an open mind and a willingness to compromise. It can be helpful for both parents to think about their ideal visitation schedule beforehand, including considerations such as school schedules, work commitments, and the child’s extracurricular activities. By having these factors in mind, both parties can approach the mediation with practical solutions that reflect the realities of their lives.

During the mediation session, both parents will have the opportunity to express their concerns and preferences regarding visitation. The mediator will guide the discussion, helping to keep the focus on the children and their needs. Throughout the process, both parents may need to compromise on certain issues. For instance, one parent may need to adjust their work schedule, or the other parent may need to make accommodations for the child’s after-school activities. The goal of mediation is not for one parent to “win” but for both parents to arrive at a solution that is fair and workable for everyone involved.


Tanya Freeman was super helpful both times I had to reach out to her for advice and help. I had no idea how to start or go about the divorce process and she was very helpful over the phone, which shocked me, because I didn’t think anyone could help me over the phone and I felt really lost in this whole process. She was very friendly and called back right away. She helped me out and answered my questions. I would definitely recommend her!!”

- Raquel Sullivan


I highly recommend Tanya! Very professional and always there when I needed her. She explained everything, every step of the way and was happy to answer any questions that I had. She got me the exact results that I had wished for in a highly complicated divorce!!"

- Bonita Davis


Attorney Freeman is very knowledgeable attorney. From our first meeting, she explained everything to me in terms I could easily understand and was always very responsive when I had questions outside of our meetings."

- Bonnie Adams

Factors to Consider When Creating a Visitation Schedule

When creating a visitation schedule through mediation, several important factors should be taken into account. First and foremost, the best interests of the child must be prioritized. This means considering the child’s age, school schedule, social life, and emotional well-being. For example, younger children may benefit from more frequent, shorter visits, while older children may prefer longer stays with fewer transitions between homes.

Another factor to consider is each parent’s work schedule. Mediation allows parents to create a visitation schedule that accommodates their individual work commitments, ensuring that the schedule is practical and feasible for both parties. Parents should also consider transportation logistics, especially if they live far apart. Arranging for a fair division of transportation responsibilities can help alleviate potential conflicts down the road.

Parents may also want to consider special occasions, such as holidays, birthdays, and school vacations, when creating their visitation schedule. Mediation provides the flexibility to customize a schedule that allows both parents to share these important moments with their children. For instance, parents might agree to alternate holidays or split vacations to ensure that both have quality time with their children during special times of the year.

Benefits of Mediation for Visitation Schedules

One of the main benefits of using mediation to create a visitation schedule is that it promotes a cooperative rather than adversarial approach. By encouraging open dialogue and collaboration, mediation helps to reduce conflict and tension between parents. This is particularly important for children, who often feel the emotional strain when their parents are in constant conflict. Mediation can help reduce this strain by fostering a more harmonious co-parenting relationship.

Another significant benefit of mediation is that it is typically faster and less expensive than going to court. Court battles over child custody and visitation can drag on for months or even years, creating unnecessary stress for both parents and children. Mediation, on the other hand, allows parents to resolve these issues more quickly, allowing them to move forward with their lives. Additionally, mediation tends to be less formal and less intimidating than the courtroom, making it a more comfortable environment for parents to express their concerns and work toward a solution.

Mediation also allows for greater flexibility in the visitation schedule. Courts are often limited in their ability to create schedules that account for the unique circumstances of each family. Mediation, however, provides parents with the opportunity to develop a customized schedule that meets their needs. Whether parents need to accommodate irregular work hours or want to alternate weekends and holidays, mediation allows them to create a schedule that is practical and fair.

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When Mediation May Not Be the Best Option

While mediation offers many advantages, it may not be suitable in every case. For mediation to be successful, both parents must be willing to communicate and compromise. In situations where there is a significant imbalance of power between the parents, or if one parent is unwilling to negotiate in good faith, mediation may not be effective. Similarly, if there are issues of domestic violence or abuse, mediation may not be a safe or appropriate option.

If mediation is not feasible, parents may need to resolve their visitation disputes through the court system. However, even in these cases, mediation can still be helpful in addressing certain aspects of the visitation schedule, such as transportation arrangements or holiday planning. By resolving smaller issues through mediation, parents can reduce the scope of their dispute and make the court process more efficient.

Finalizing the Visitation Schedule

Once both parents have reached an agreement through mediation, the visitation schedule will need to be finalized. The mediator will typically assist in drafting a written agreement that outlines the terms of the schedule. This agreement will then be submitted to the court for approval, at which point it becomes legally binding. It is important for both parents to adhere to the terms of the visitation schedule, as violations of the agreement can result in legal consequences.

If circumstances change in the future—such as a parent moving to a new city or changes in the child’s needs—mediation can be used again to modify the visitation schedule. Mediation provides a flexible and ongoing solution, allowing parents to make adjustments to the schedule as necessary without returning to court.

At The Mediation Source, we understand how important it is to create a visitation schedule that works for both parents and children. Our team is dedicated to helping families find peaceful, fair solutions that keep the best interests of the children at the forefront. If you need assistance with mediation to develop a visitation schedule or resolve other family law matters, contact The Mediation Source today for guidance and support. Let us help you navigate this process with care and compassion.