How to Evaluate the Success of Your Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process that allows divorcing couples to work together to reach an agreement that is fair and suitable for both parties. It is a process that encourages cooperation, open communication, and mutual respect, making it an attractive option for couples who want to avoid the often adversarial and lengthy court battles associated with traditional divorce litigation. However, once the mediation sessions are over and an agreement has been reached, how can you evaluate whether your divorce mediation was truly successful? Understanding the markers of success in mediation can help you assess whether the process met your expectations and needs, and whether it has laid the foundation for a more peaceful future.

Clear Communication and Mutual Understanding

A key indicator of a successful divorce mediation is the level of communication between both parties during the process. Mediation is designed to foster open dialogue and help couples navigate emotionally charged issues in a more cooperative manner. If you and your spouse were able to discuss matters openly and respectfully, even in the face of disagreement, it is a positive sign that the mediation was effective. Success in mediation is not necessarily about avoiding all conflict, but rather about managing it constructively. The ability to listen to each other’s perspectives and express your own needs without hostility shows that the process facilitated clear communication, which is a crucial component of resolving disputes in a fair manner.

Mutual understanding also plays a vital role in evaluating the success of your mediation. Did both you and your spouse leave the sessions with a better grasp of each other’s needs and priorities? If the mediation process helped you gain clarity on each other’s goals for the divorce settlement, this suggests that the mediation was successful in fostering a sense of understanding. Mediation aims to bridge gaps in communication and build a shared comprehension of the issues at hand, which ultimately leads to more informed decision-making.

Our Mediators

Tanya L. Freeman

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Shelley D. Albert

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Judge Daniel D’Alessandro

Daniel D’Alessandro

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Rosanna Vargas

Attorney Rosanna

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Fair and Balanced Agreements

Another measure of success in divorce mediation is the fairness of the agreement reached. While fairness can be subjective, it generally means that both parties feel the terms of the settlement are equitable and reasonable. A successful mediation is one in which neither party feels coerced or pressured into accepting terms that they believe are unfair or one-sided. Instead, the agreement should reflect a balanced consideration of both parties’ needs and interests. If both you and your spouse walked away feeling that the terms were fair, even if not perfect, this is a strong indication that the mediation process was effective.

Furthermore, the agreements reached should address all pertinent aspects of your divorce, such as division of assets, child custody arrangements, spousal support, and any other issues relevant to your situation. If the mediation allowed you to resolve these key issues without the need for further litigation, it can be seen as a success. The goal of mediation is to create a comprehensive and sustainable agreement that both parties can adhere to in the long term, reducing the likelihood of future disputes or court involvement.


Tanya Freeman was super helpful both times I had to reach out to her for advice and help. I had no idea how to start or go about the divorce process and she was very helpful over the phone, which shocked me, because I didn’t think anyone could help me over the phone and I felt really lost in this whole process. She was very friendly and called back right away. She helped me out and answered my questions. I would definitely recommend her!!”

- Raquel Sullivan


I highly recommend Tanya! Very professional and always there when I needed her. She explained everything, every step of the way and was happy to answer any questions that I had. She got me the exact results that I had wished for in a highly complicated divorce!!"

- Bonita Davis


Attorney Freeman is very knowledgeable attorney. From our first meeting, she explained everything to me in terms I could easily understand and was always very responsive when I had questions outside of our meetings."

- Bonnie Adams

Reduced Emotional and Financial Stress

One of the primary reasons many couples opt for mediation is to minimize the emotional and financial toll of divorce. Traditional divorce litigation can be costly, time-consuming, and emotionally draining for all involved, particularly when children are part of the equation. A successful mediation should help you avoid these pitfalls by offering a more efficient and less confrontational process.

If you found that mediation helped reduce the emotional strain often associated with divorce, this is a good sign of success. The mediation process is designed to be less adversarial and more supportive, allowing couples to work through their differences in a calmer environment. The emotional well-being of both parties, as well as any children involved, should be prioritized, and if the mediation helped maintain a more peaceful atmosphere, it was likely effective in this regard.

Financially, a successful mediation should result in lower costs compared to traditional divorce litigation. If the process allowed you to reach a resolution without the need for extensive court involvement, expensive attorney fees, or prolonged legal battles, it likely succeeded in meeting your financial expectations. The cost-effectiveness of mediation is one of its key benefits, and if it helped you avoid the significant expenses often associated with divorce, this is another clear marker of success.

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Respect for the Process and the Outcome

Respect is an important element in evaluating the success of your divorce mediation. Not only should there be respect between the two parties involved, but also respect for the mediation process itself and the mediator guiding it. If you and your spouse were able to maintain a sense of respect for each other throughout the process, even in the face of disagreements, it indicates that the mediation fostered a productive and constructive environment.

Respect for the mediator’s role is equally important. Mediators serve as neutral facilitators, guiding discussions and helping couples reach agreements, but they do not impose decisions. If both parties respected the mediator’s input and trusted their guidance, it is a good indication that the process worked as intended. In addition, a successful mediation should result in both parties respecting the final agreement. If you and your spouse feel that the outcome is fair and are both willing to adhere to the terms, it is a strong sign that the mediation was successful.

Long-Term Sustainability of the Agreement

One of the clearest indicators of a successful divorce mediation is the long-term sustainability of the agreement. Mediation is not just about reaching a settlement in the moment, but about crafting an agreement that will hold up over time. A successful mediation will result in terms that are realistic and manageable for both parties in the long run.

If, after some time has passed, both you and your spouse continue to adhere to the terms of the agreement without significant disputes or the need for further legal intervention, it is a strong sign that the mediation succeeded in creating a sustainable resolution. The ability to co-parent effectively, manage financial obligations, and communicate respectfully in the years following the divorce can all point to a successful mediation process.

Sustainability is particularly important when children are involved. A mediation that results in a workable co-parenting plan, with clear guidelines for communication and decision-making, can help ensure that the best interests of the children are maintained long after the divorce is finalized. If both parents are able to work together to support their children and honor the terms of the agreement, the mediation has achieved one of its most important goals.

Satisfaction with the Process

Finally, personal satisfaction with the mediation process itself is a key measure of success. Divorce can be a difficult and emotional experience, but if you leave the mediation process feeling that it was a positive and constructive way to handle the challenges of divorce, this is an important indicator of success. Reflect on your overall experience in the mediation sessions. Did you feel heard and respected? Did the process help you better understand your spouse’s perspective? Were you able to reach agreements that reflect your needs and priorities?

While no mediation is perfect, personal satisfaction with how the process unfolded and the outcomes achieved can greatly influence how successful you perceive the mediation to have been. If the process met your expectations and helped you avoid the stress and expense of litigation, it likely succeeded in fulfilling its purpose.

If you are considering divorce mediation or are currently going through the process, it is important to work with a team that can guide you effectively through each step. At The Mediation Source, our experienced mediators are dedicated to helping couples reach fair and sustainable agreements in a supportive and respectful environment. Divorce is never easy, but with the right guidance, it can be resolved in a way that minimizes conflict and fosters mutual understanding. Contact The Mediation Source today to learn more about how we can assist you with your divorce mediation and help you achieve a successful resolution.