Addressing Spousal Support in New Jersey Divorce Mediation

Divorce can be a difficult process for both spouses, but divorce mediation in New Jersey provides a way to handle the situation more calmly. One important aspect of this process is spousal support. Spousal support, sometimes called alimony, refers to the financial assistance one spouse may be required to give the other after a divorce. The goal is to help the lower-earning spouse maintain a stable lifestyle after the marriage ends. In New Jersey, spousal support can be addressed during mediation, which is a method that allows couples to work through issues with the help of a neutral mediator instead of going to court.

Mediation can help both spouses reach a fair agreement when it comes to spousal support. This approach is often less stressful than taking the matter to court. It also allows both spouses to have a say in the outcome. With the help of a mediator, couples can discuss their financial situations and come to a solution that works for both sides. During the mediation process, couples are encouraged to work together in good faith to find a solution that makes sense for their future. At, The Mediation Source, we are here to guide you through the legal process and help you navigate the complexities of your case.

Understanding Spousal Support in New Jersey

In New Jersey, spousal support is based on several factors. When deciding on spousal support, the mediator will help both spouses consider different aspects of their finances and their marriage. These factors include the length of the marriage, the standard of living during the marriage, the earning capacity of each spouse, and the financial needs of both parties. The mediator will also guide both spouses in looking at how long support will be needed and if it is fair to modify spousal support over time.

One of the key factors that influence spousal support is the length of the marriage. In longer marriages, spousal support may be given for a longer period. On the other hand, in shorter marriages, spousal support may be temporary or not required at all. Another factor is the lifestyle that both spouses were used to during the marriage. In cases where one spouse was the primary earner and the other stayed at home to take care of children, spousal support may be needed to maintain a similar standard of living for the lower-earning spouse. The goal is to ensure that both parties can move forward in a stable manner after the divorce.

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Tanya L. Freeman

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Shelley D. Albert

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Judge Daniel D’Alessandro

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Types of Spousal Support in New Jersey

There are different types of spousal support in New Jersey that can be discussed during mediation. The most common types include open durational alimony, limited duration alimony, rehabilitative alimony, and reimbursement alimony. Each of these types serves a different purpose and may apply depending on the circumstances of the marriage and the financial needs of the spouses.

Open durational alimony is typically for longer marriages where one spouse has been out of the workforce for a significant period. This type of spousal support has no set end date but can be reviewed and modified if circumstances change. Limited duration alimony is for marriages that lasted less than 20 years. It is designed to provide support for a specific amount of time based on the length of the marriage.

Rehabilitative alimony helps a spouse who needs time to get back on their feet financially. This type of support is given so that the spouse can acquire education or job training to become financially independent. Finally, reimbursement alimony is given when one spouse supported the other financially during the marriage, such as paying for education or training that benefitted the higher-earning spouse’s career. The goal of reimbursement alimony is to compensate the lower-earning spouse for their contributions to the higher earner’s success.


Tanya Freeman was super helpful both times I had to reach out to her for advice and help. I had no idea how to start or go about the divorce process and she was very helpful over the phone, which shocked me, because I didn’t think anyone could help me over the phone and I felt really lost in this whole process. She was very friendly and called back right away. She helped me out and answered my questions. I would definitely recommend her!!”

- Raquel Sullivan


I highly recommend Tanya! Very professional and always there when I needed her. She explained everything, every step of the way and was happy to answer any questions that I had. She got me the exact results that I had wished for in a highly complicated divorce!!"

- Bonita Davis


Attorney Freeman is very knowledgeable attorney. From our first meeting, she explained everything to me in terms I could easily understand and was always very responsive when I had questions outside of our meetings."

- Bonnie Adams

The Benefits of Addressing Spousal Support in Mediation

Handling spousal support through mediation offers many benefits compared to going through the court system. Mediation allows both spouses to discuss their financial needs in a less confrontational setting. The mediator is there to guide the conversation and ensure that both spouses feel heard. This process helps create an environment where the couple can focus on problem-solving rather than arguing about who is right or wrong.

Mediation is also more flexible than court proceedings. Both spouses can have more control over the outcome and make decisions that best fit their specific situation. Instead of a judge making decisions for them, the couple has the opportunity to craft an agreement that makes sense for both sides. This can lead to a smoother transition after the divorce is finalized. Spousal support agreements made during mediation are often more personalized, as they take into account the unique circumstances of each family.

In addition to being more flexible, mediation is also faster and less expensive than going to court. Court proceedings can be time-consuming and costly, with both sides paying legal fees and waiting for months or even years for a resolution. In contrast, mediation sessions are scheduled at the convenience of both spouses and can result in a quicker agreement. The time and money saved through mediation can be significant, especially when dealing with an already stressful divorce process.

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How Spousal Support Agreements Are Reached in Mediation

During mediation, the mediator will guide both spouses through a discussion of their financial situation and needs. This process often starts with both spouses disclosing their income, expenses, and assets. The mediator may also ask questions to better understand the couple’s lifestyle during the marriage and what each spouse’s financial needs will be after the divorce.

Once all the information has been shared, the mediator helps the couple explore options for spousal support. Both spouses will have the opportunity to express their thoughts and concerns. The mediator’s role is to ensure that the discussion remains productive and that both parties are treated fairly. The goal is to reach an agreement that considers both spouses’ financial situations and future needs.

After both spouses have discussed their financial needs, they can begin working toward a spousal support agreement. This agreement should be fair to both sides and take into account any changes that may occur in the future, such as a change in employment or financial circumstances. The mediator will ensure that both spouses fully understand the terms of the agreement before it is finalized. Once both parties agree, the mediator will help draft the spousal support agreement, which can then be submitted to the court for approval.

Modifying Spousal Support in the Future

It is important to note that spousal support agreements reached during mediation can be modified in the future if necessary. Changes in circumstances, such as a significant change in income, the loss of a job, or a change in health, may require an adjustment to the spousal support agreement. The couple can return to mediation to discuss any changes and work toward a new agreement. This flexibility is one of the advantages of mediation, as it allows the couple to adapt to new circumstances without going through a lengthy court process.

If both spouses agree to modify the spousal support arrangement, the changes can be submitted to the court for approval. In cases where only one spouse wants to modify the agreement, mediation can still provide a way for both parties to discuss the issue and try to find a solution. The mediator will help guide the conversation and ensure that both parties’ concerns are taken into account. This process can help avoid unnecessary conflict and allow both spouses to move forward with a revised agreement that reflects their current needs.

Finalizing the Spousal Support Agreement

Once both spouses have reached an agreement on spousal support through mediation, the final step is to submit the agreement to the court for approval. This process is usually straightforward, as the court will review the agreement to ensure that it is fair and reasonable. Once the court approves the agreement, it becomes legally binding. Both spouses are then required to follow the terms of the agreement.

If either spouse fails to follow the spousal support agreement, the other spouse can take legal action to enforce the agreement. Mediation can also be used as a way to resolve any disputes that arise after the agreement has been finalized. The mediator can help both spouses work through any issues and find a solution that allows them to move forward.

If you are going through a divorce in New Jersey and need help addressing spousal support, The Mediation Source is here to help. Our team of experienced mediators is dedicated to helping couples work through difficult issues and reach fair agreements. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you during this challenging time and help you move forward with confidence.